Thursday 11 March 2010

World Cup South Africa 2010

As the 2010 World Cup draws near, we spoke to some pupils from Ogwini High School about their opinions on the World Cup being hosted in their home country. Many pupils believe South Africa have a good chance of going all the way, a few thinking they will win, others being more realistic and aiming for the quarter finals. South Africa have drawn France, Uruguay and Mexico in their group and possibly have a chance of going through to the last 16. Subjects also touched on were the wealth that hosting the World Cup will bring to South Africa, the pupils thinking that this will be good for the South African economy. Another thing found out in the video clips was that many street kids and beggars would be thrown into some sort of home for the duration of the tournament, which is said to be a good idea as the pupils believe that this will make South Africa look a lot cleaner and a nicer place to be.

Spain and Brazil are the bookies favourites to win the tournament with England just behind in the odds to win. The English, feeling fairly confident that they will win, are resting all their hopes on star man Wayne Rooney who is now on 30 goals for this season. But a lot of rumours are surrounding the England players and their personal lives, with John Terry recently being stripped of the captaincy and Wayne Bridge withdrawing himself from possible England selection. Can England pull it together for the World Cup? Will Spain win the competition for the first time in their history? Or will Brazil add to their record of 5 times winning the competition?

For more information watch the video below.

Written by Bradley and Grant

SNP and Plaid Banned from Prime Ministrial Debate

Alex Salmond accused the BBC  of being bias after they, along with Sky an STV, refused to represent the SNP or the Plaid Cymru Party in the televised Prime Ministrial debate.  Alex Salmond and Ieuan Wyn Jones have written a letter to the BBC director general Mark Thomson to say:

“For politics to be about healthy debate, the winning of hearts and minds, rather than about prior tribal affliction, then parties in reasonable competition must be given a similar opportunity to present their policy platform to the electorate. The medium of television has a unique ability at election time to bring the competition of ideas, which is at the heart of the democratic system, into the living room of every voter in the country.
Without a properly informed electorate, the conditions for a free election are not possible.”

By Nico

Nick Clegg wants £10bn to cut deficit

The Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, has today called for a £10bn “down-payment” in the next financial year in a bid to hopefully cut the UK’s record post-war deficit. Mr Nick Clegg told the Independent newspaper that this would hopefully calm the financial market if there was a hung Parliament. The Lib-Dems conference will be held in Birmingham this weekend. The party has actually accused other parties of not setting out the full scale of spending cuts that are required quite regularly. Nick Clegg commented that,

“We are not here to play games with other parties!”

Nick Clegg was also very critical of the Tories for stoking fears that a hung Parliament may cause a run on sterling because of market uncertainty about the ability of a minority government to reduce Britain’s  record deficit of £178bn. Nick Clegg also said that he wants the minority to vote for Labour or Tories, so that they could form a coalition. If it were formed, he wants to focus on 4 policies.

1.Tax Reforms.
2.Extra Education for Deprived Children.
3.A Greener Economy
4.Voting Reforms.

But he said he wouldn’t talk to any of the parties about deals until the votes have been counted. He then finally said,
“Once we know the lie of the land after the election, we have to work out the best way to do that.”

By Liam and Matt

Sneaky Affairs For Both Carla and Nicolas

Former supermodel, Carla Bruni Sarkozy, was certain that husband and French president Nicolas Sarkozy would never cheat on her and described their love for each other as a romantic fairytale.

Rumours have spread like butter across the internet and to the British press that both Carla and Nicolas have had extra material affairs. Nicolas is said to be having an affair with French politician Chantal Jouanno and Carla to be having an affair with French singer Benjamin Biolay.

Both have been said to have affairs in the past. Carla’s past lovers include rock stars like Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton and millionaire Donald Trump. She is also said to have started a relationship with writer Jean Paul- Enthoven but then dumped him for his son Raphel.

Nicolas had an affair with his second wife Cecilia Ciganer Albaniz whilst still married to his first wife Maria Dominique Culio who was the mother of his two sons.

By Billie and Sarah

Grilling A. salmond

On the 4th March 2010, Nico, Billie and I went to the Scottish Parliament to interview Scotland’s First Minister, Alex Salmond.

We asked many questions, some of which he complained about; saying we didn’t give him any easy ones!
As we sat in the First Minister’s waiting room, the nerves started to kick in. There was really no need for them, as the first minister made us feel relaxed and at ease.

We started with a hard-hitting question about the First Minister’s decision making on past policies. He responded by commenting that his policies on immigration were not always popular. He continued by stating that he wants to encourage more people to come to Scotland and for the country to have a liberal Immigration Policies. The First Minister wants us to become more like other countries around the world and reduce the amount of home grown talent being exported. He feels Scotland should be welcoming and understanding.

Our next question was more open and relaxed. The First Minister responded very openly to us when we asked which historical political figure he most admired, saying that Nelson Mandela was his number one! He stated that the reason for his choice was that following his release from 30 years in prison, Nelson Mandela wasn’t bitter at all but was gracious and forgiving and that he had dignity. Another of the First Ministers favourites was Abraham Lincoln, saying he was a great leader as he helped to win the civil war, united America and freeing the slaves. The First Minister also said he was a great fan on Scotland’s National baird Robert Burns. The First Minister felt that Burns had views on everything that’s happened and was a person with opinions on great politics.

Our penultimate question to the First Minister was a bit of an inside political joke. After Gordon Brown admitted to liking any biscuit with a bit of chocolate we put this question to our First Minister. What was his favourite biscuit?

The First Minister explained that as a child he suffered from many allergies, including cheese, milk, butter and ice cream. He continued by revealing that the thing he was not allergic to was plain chocolate digestive buscuits. As Mr Salmond explained he “spent a lot of his boyhood eating plain chocolate digestives and drinking lucozade”. So that was why his favourite biscuit was still a Mcvities plain chocolate digestive, despite being partial to a Tunnock’s caramel wafer.

Finally we asked our first minister if he dunked his biscuits. He responded by saying, “no, not in my lucozade”.

Written by Beth

David Beckham Returns to Old Trafford

Last night David Beckham returned to Old Trafford after departing the Manchester side in 2003 and almost seven years on and now he had to face his former manager who made him the player he was and play against his old and familiar team-mates in the clash with Italian side AC Milan. This was a very important game for the Manchester side and vital they got off to a great start.

Things did get off to an outstanding start with the Manchester side taking the lead in the 13th minute with Wayne Rooney scoring a header, his 30th goal of the season and his 7th header on the trot. Just before Beckham was about to make his return to the pitch, Ji-Sung Park then got onto the score sheet scoring twelve minutes after Wayne Rooney calmly slotted home his second of the night, after a pinpoint pass by the Portuguese winger Nani who’s recent form has been an honour for the Man United side. Then there was the moment fan every Man United fan was waiting for the return of David Beckham.

On the 63rd minute although AC Milan were already out of the tie Beckham still reminded spectators he still had the cutting edge as he played a few trademark crosses and a resounding volley which was saved by Van Der Sar. It was a thoroughly deserved win for the Manchester side which will see them advance through to the quarter finals of the EUFA champions league also Arsenal have proceeded along with Lyon.


World’s Richest Man

A Mexican billionaire, Carlos Slim Helu, a widower aged 70 with six children has been ranked as the richest person in the world, the first time the title has been held by a non-American for 16 years.

Carlos Slims family empire now controls more than 200 companies and controls more than 90% of Mexico’s phone landlines. This has left Microsoft founder Bill Gates in second place and US investor Buffet in third place. Last year Carlos earned $35bn and now he is earning $53.5bn. Bill Gates income just fell short at $53.0bn.

Another person named in the rich list was Mark Zuckerberg, who earns around $4bn. The 25 year old founder of Facebook had regained the title of youngest billionaire.

By Dionne

Police Halt Bogus Charity Workers

A charity worker: someone you would usually notice when they shake a bucket or are in fancy dress on the high street. Not these charity workers. They claimed the goods that were being sold were to raise money for charities that specialised in dyslexia and epilepsy. The gang had been travelling around the UK selling goods door to door. To sell goods you need a peddler’s licence, which this group did not have. The group’s method of selling was seen as abusive and threatening and had people concerned that their homes would be at risk. The van, which the group worked from, was stopped on Great Junction Street in Edinburgh at 09:45 on Wednesday. Police found a number of false charity identification passes inside the van. Detective Inspector Jim Robertson stated that it was a “significant breakthrough”. He also reminded the public that they must check the identification of any salesmen or charity workers before handing over any money.

Written by Jade

Holocaust Role Play Leaves Primary Children Distraught

Primary school pupils were left crying after a teacher told them they were being taken away from their families during a ‘cruel’ holocaust role-play.

The exercise sprung up on children at St Hilary’s Primary in East Kilbride without warning last Thursday morning. This left the 11- year-old children distraught and in tears.

According to an angry parent, deputy head teacher Elizabeth McGlynn told pupils that they had received an official letter stating that nine children had to be split up from classmates. It was up to 15 minutes before the stunned children were finally informed it was only a pretend game.

In a letter to the South Lanarkshire Council education department, the mother said, ‘when one child asked if that meant they might have to go to an orphanage, they were told that might be a possibility’.
‘At that point many of the children became very distressed, one boy kicked his chair over, one was angry and demanded to speak to somebody in charge, but most were crying on a scale ranging from mildly to severely.’

After the mother contacted the school she found out that the pupils were infact not informed beforehand so they could experience an ‘accurate emotional response’ to help them with story writing. She then added ‘ my daughter should not have to feel the terror, fear, panic, segregation and horror that the holocaust experience…’

A spokeswoman said, ‘These role play situations are designed to help children understand diversity and develop empathy for the victims of prejudice and are usually very well received by pupils.’
The spokeswomen then added, ‘We are sorry that the lesson had this effect on some pupils.’

Written by Kirsty

Trams Delayed For 2 Years (again)

It’s now estimated that Edinburgh trams will not arrive until January 2014. A tramline, costing £545 million, will be delayed because of working to divert under ground pipes and cables. A spokeswoman mentioned other options, which included leaving the German firm, Bilfinger Berger, if enough progress was not made in the next 8 – 12 weeks. An MSP from Lothian, Shirley-Anne Somerville (SNP) called the trams’ development ‘an utter disaster’. She said: ‘For Leith residents, it is a cruel joke to see advertising sings saying ‘arriving in 2012’’.

Bilfinger Berger told local official system completion may have to be extended for 30 months to 2014. Chairman Richard Jeffrey said local residents continue to ‘suffer’ from ‘seemingly endless days’.

The Scottish Government, who opposed the project, has not provided additional funding, which means Edinburgh’s tax payers may have to pay extra bills. The city council would be responsible for any shortfall because they would not add to the £500 million pledged by the Liberal Democrat predecessors.

Ms. Somerville said: ‘It is disappointing that we are now faced with a 3-year delay and ‘unqualified’ bill. It seems the contractors no expect Edinburgh taxpayers to sign a blank cheque for this project.

‘When the underground utility works are still to be completed in parts of the city, it is inconceivable for anyone to now believe this project will be on time or on budget.’

by Alanah and Mary

Chunk or Not to Chunk

Leading researcher Mr Stirrat at St Andrews University has asked Alex Salmond and Tavish Scott
to take part in a game to try and prove if people trust those with chubby faces like Alex Salmond or thinner faces like Tavish Scott, who both played for money. Last year experts at the University of St Andrews were finding out why more people would vote for Tavish Scott rather than Alex Salmond. Most think that men with wider faces are bad and are more likely to be criminals.

Mr Stirrat him self said “We all make instant judgements about strangers, whether to trust him or whether to be wary. However we shouldn’t leap to the conclusion that wider faced men are bad.”

What do you think? Should we trust men with big faces? What about Santa?

Written by Conner

U.S Soldiers Leaving Afghanistan?

U.S Defence Secretary Robert Gates yesterday raised the possibility of U.S forces leaving Afghanistan before Obama’s announced date of July 2011. Gates made suggestions on his visit to Kabul where U.S and British forces are training Afghan soldiers and police. A debate on Wednesday to conclude the 8-year-old war ended up losing by 356-65, which was expected, though anti-war representatives encouraged the debate as a chance to express the frustration that is put on the troop build up in Afghanistan. Gates added, “ At the end of the day only the Afghans will be able to provide long-term security for Afghanistan.”

Written by Lauren

A Shocking Attack Leaves Edinburgh Bouncer Blind in One Eye.

A shocking attack happened in the Shaghai nightclub on Edinburgh’s George Street after Sarah Marsden, 37, put her stiletto heel through a bouncer’s eyeball. The attack happened when Marsden and her friend Anthony Walker, 49, were asked to leave the nightclub after causing an argument with one of the bouncers. Graham Roach, 28, heard this debate going on and stepped in to help his work mate. Roach was then spat on and knocked to the ground by Marsden and Walker. The bouncer was then stamped on by Marsden with her stiletto heel piercing his eye. Roach was then taken into Edinburgh’s Royal Infirmary where he under went a 4-hour operation. Unfortunately even after this operation Roach was still left blind in his left eye. Roach is now pushing for Marsden to get a tougher sentence as he feels that her guilty plea will lead to less time behind bars.

Written by Eilidh and Alex

Tom Evans Returning to Scotland Camp

Severely injured rugby star Tom Evans is planning to make an emotional return to the Scotland camp before the Calcutta cup game against England this Saturday. Evans, who broke his neck a few weeks ago against Wales, may never play rugby again. However Scotland team doctor James Robson has been encouraged with the progress made so far: “Surgeons are delighted with his progress. He's decided to go ahead with the procedure now and that should help with the whole recovery process”. This is said to be a huge boost to the Scotland team, especially brother Max Evans, who was on the pitch when the accident happened. Max said “He has not been in the car for any great length of time so I don’t think he’ll come to the game – but if he is up for it he is hoping to come through and see all the guys on Friday evening”. Today is also a sad day for rugby fans as it is legendary Scottish commentator Bill McLaren’s tribute night at Murrayfield tonight.

Written by Bradley and Grant

Grilling A. Salmond - Interview

Follow this link to see three Gracemount pupils, Billie, Beth and Nico, interviewing First Minster Alex Salmond.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Blackboard CHALK and School Dinner CHEESE

In February this year, pupils from Gracemount High School paid a visit to their paired school in Ogwini, south Africa. Pupils at Ogwini were interviewed about what they thought about their education. They were asked if they needed to pay for primary education, they replied, 'In primary you don't need to pay for much but now in high school you need to pay for everything including your resources', although they don't need to pay for their uniforms.

They were asked what type of discipline is used and they said, 'We get hit if we do something wrong so we have to follow rules of the school to avoid it'.

They would get this for making noise in class or not doing homework or even for being late. This compared to Scottish schools is quite different. Most Scottish schools believe in detention and other non-corporal punishments. Some of the pupils in Ogwini stated, 'if you get detention, the next day you are going to the same mistake again and again'. Some also think that corporal punishment is not bad. Although one of the pupils interviewed said that she would not be concentrating in class because she was scared that she might get hit. The Gracemount High School interviewers found out that not all of the teachers hit pupils. They then asked the pupils from Ogwini if they liked them better. They replied, 'Some teachers hit you and you know why so you know its OK, but sometimes you get hit for things you never did. There was a new teacher and we all liked her but then she started hitting us for asking a question she had already answered, so now we don't like her.'

After this insight, we wondered: should schools in Scotland step up and bring back corporal punishment to sort out the behaviour in our schools?

Written by Kirsty, Sarah, Billie and Mary
Researchers: Claire, Lewis and Paula

Welcome to BBC News School Report Gracemount High School

Welcome to Gracemount High School's BBC School Report web page. Going live on Thursday 11th March 2010.

Look out for interviews from Ogwini High School, South Africa.