Thursday 11 March 2010

Nick Clegg wants £10bn to cut deficit

The Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, has today called for a £10bn “down-payment” in the next financial year in a bid to hopefully cut the UK’s record post-war deficit. Mr Nick Clegg told the Independent newspaper that this would hopefully calm the financial market if there was a hung Parliament. The Lib-Dems conference will be held in Birmingham this weekend. The party has actually accused other parties of not setting out the full scale of spending cuts that are required quite regularly. Nick Clegg commented that,

“We are not here to play games with other parties!”

Nick Clegg was also very critical of the Tories for stoking fears that a hung Parliament may cause a run on sterling because of market uncertainty about the ability of a minority government to reduce Britain’s  record deficit of £178bn. Nick Clegg also said that he wants the minority to vote for Labour or Tories, so that they could form a coalition. If it were formed, he wants to focus on 4 policies.

1.Tax Reforms.
2.Extra Education for Deprived Children.
3.A Greener Economy
4.Voting Reforms.

But he said he wouldn’t talk to any of the parties about deals until the votes have been counted. He then finally said,
“Once we know the lie of the land after the election, we have to work out the best way to do that.”

By Liam and Matt

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