Thursday 11 March 2010

SNP and Plaid Banned from Prime Ministrial Debate

Alex Salmond accused the BBC  of being bias after they, along with Sky an STV, refused to represent the SNP or the Plaid Cymru Party in the televised Prime Ministrial debate.  Alex Salmond and Ieuan Wyn Jones have written a letter to the BBC director general Mark Thomson to say:

“For politics to be about healthy debate, the winning of hearts and minds, rather than about prior tribal affliction, then parties in reasonable competition must be given a similar opportunity to present their policy platform to the electorate. The medium of television has a unique ability at election time to bring the competition of ideas, which is at the heart of the democratic system, into the living room of every voter in the country.
Without a properly informed electorate, the conditions for a free election are not possible.”

By Nico

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