Thursday 11 March 2010

A Shocking Attack Leaves Edinburgh Bouncer Blind in One Eye.

A shocking attack happened in the Shaghai nightclub on Edinburgh’s George Street after Sarah Marsden, 37, put her stiletto heel through a bouncer’s eyeball. The attack happened when Marsden and her friend Anthony Walker, 49, were asked to leave the nightclub after causing an argument with one of the bouncers. Graham Roach, 28, heard this debate going on and stepped in to help his work mate. Roach was then spat on and knocked to the ground by Marsden and Walker. The bouncer was then stamped on by Marsden with her stiletto heel piercing his eye. Roach was then taken into Edinburgh’s Royal Infirmary where he under went a 4-hour operation. Unfortunately even after this operation Roach was still left blind in his left eye. Roach is now pushing for Marsden to get a tougher sentence as he feels that her guilty plea will lead to less time behind bars.

Written by Eilidh and Alex

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