Thursday 11 March 2010

Grilling A. salmond

On the 4th March 2010, Nico, Billie and I went to the Scottish Parliament to interview Scotland’s First Minister, Alex Salmond.

We asked many questions, some of which he complained about; saying we didn’t give him any easy ones!
As we sat in the First Minister’s waiting room, the nerves started to kick in. There was really no need for them, as the first minister made us feel relaxed and at ease.

We started with a hard-hitting question about the First Minister’s decision making on past policies. He responded by commenting that his policies on immigration were not always popular. He continued by stating that he wants to encourage more people to come to Scotland and for the country to have a liberal Immigration Policies. The First Minister wants us to become more like other countries around the world and reduce the amount of home grown talent being exported. He feels Scotland should be welcoming and understanding.

Our next question was more open and relaxed. The First Minister responded very openly to us when we asked which historical political figure he most admired, saying that Nelson Mandela was his number one! He stated that the reason for his choice was that following his release from 30 years in prison, Nelson Mandela wasn’t bitter at all but was gracious and forgiving and that he had dignity. Another of the First Ministers favourites was Abraham Lincoln, saying he was a great leader as he helped to win the civil war, united America and freeing the slaves. The First Minister also said he was a great fan on Scotland’s National baird Robert Burns. The First Minister felt that Burns had views on everything that’s happened and was a person with opinions on great politics.

Our penultimate question to the First Minister was a bit of an inside political joke. After Gordon Brown admitted to liking any biscuit with a bit of chocolate we put this question to our First Minister. What was his favourite biscuit?

The First Minister explained that as a child he suffered from many allergies, including cheese, milk, butter and ice cream. He continued by revealing that the thing he was not allergic to was plain chocolate digestive buscuits. As Mr Salmond explained he “spent a lot of his boyhood eating plain chocolate digestives and drinking lucozade”. So that was why his favourite biscuit was still a Mcvities plain chocolate digestive, despite being partial to a Tunnock’s caramel wafer.

Finally we asked our first minister if he dunked his biscuits. He responded by saying, “no, not in my lucozade”.

Written by Beth

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