Thursday 11 March 2010

Trams Delayed For 2 Years (again)

It’s now estimated that Edinburgh trams will not arrive until January 2014. A tramline, costing £545 million, will be delayed because of working to divert under ground pipes and cables. A spokeswoman mentioned other options, which included leaving the German firm, Bilfinger Berger, if enough progress was not made in the next 8 – 12 weeks. An MSP from Lothian, Shirley-Anne Somerville (SNP) called the trams’ development ‘an utter disaster’. She said: ‘For Leith residents, it is a cruel joke to see advertising sings saying ‘arriving in 2012’’.

Bilfinger Berger told local official system completion may have to be extended for 30 months to 2014. Chairman Richard Jeffrey said local residents continue to ‘suffer’ from ‘seemingly endless days’.

The Scottish Government, who opposed the project, has not provided additional funding, which means Edinburgh’s tax payers may have to pay extra bills. The city council would be responsible for any shortfall because they would not add to the £500 million pledged by the Liberal Democrat predecessors.

Ms. Somerville said: ‘It is disappointing that we are now faced with a 3-year delay and ‘unqualified’ bill. It seems the contractors no expect Edinburgh taxpayers to sign a blank cheque for this project.

‘When the underground utility works are still to be completed in parts of the city, it is inconceivable for anyone to now believe this project will be on time or on budget.’

by Alanah and Mary

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